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/ The Games Machine 122 / XENIATGM122.iso / IL2 Sturmovik / data1.cab / Files / conf.ini < prev    next >
INI File  |  2001-08-15  |  6KB  |  365 lines

  1. [il2]
  2. title=Il2-Sturmovik
  3. hotkeys=HotKey game
  4. [window]
  5. width=1024
  6. height=768
  7. ColourBits=32
  8. DepthBits=24
  9. StencilBits=0
  10. ChangeScreenRes=1
  11. FullScreen=1
  12. DrawIfNotFocused=0
  13. EnableResize=0
  14. EnableClose=1
  17. GL=Opengl32.dll
  20. Open GL=Opengl32.dll
  21. DirectX=dx8wrap.dll
  23. [NET]
  24. speed=100000
  25. routeChannels=0
  26. serverChannels=3
  27. localPort=21000
  28. remotePort=21000
  29. SkinDownload=1
  30. serverName=No Name
  31. serverDescription=
  32. remoteHost=
  35. [HotKey game]
  36. PrintScreen=ScreenShot
  37. P=pause
  39. [HotKey gui]
  40. Escape=activate
  42. [HotKey builder]
  43. MouseLeft=objectMove
  44. MouseRight=popupmenu
  45. Enter=freeView
  46. Shift MouseLeft=worldZoom
  47. Alt MouseLeft=select+
  48. Alt MouseRight=select-
  49. Alt Ctrl=unselect
  50. PageDown=change+
  51. PageUp=change-
  52. End=change++
  53. Home=change--
  54. Ctrl MouseLeft=insert+
  55. Insert=insert+
  56. NumPad-0=insert+
  57. F=fill
  58. Ctrl MouseRight=delete+
  59. NumPad.=delete+
  60. Delete=delete+
  61. Backspace=cursor
  62. Tab=cursor
  63. F10=land
  64. F11=onLand
  65. NumPad-=normalLand
  66. NumPad+=toLand
  67. NumPad-5=resetAngles
  68. NumPad-8=resetTangage90
  69. NumPad-7=stepAzimut-5
  70. NumPad-4=stepAzimut-15
  71. NumPad-1=stepAzimut-30
  72. NumPad-9=stepAzimut5
  73. NumPad-6=stepAzimut15
  74. NumPad-3=stepAzimut30
  75. Ctrl X=cut
  76. Ctrl C=copy
  77. Ctrl V=paste
  79. Ctrl Up=bridgeOffset+
  80. Ctrl Down=bridgeOffset-
  81. Ctrl Left=bridgeLeft
  82. Ctrl Right=bridgeRight
  84. Ctrl 1=selectLowLand
  85. Ctrl 2=selectLowLand1
  86. Ctrl 3=selectLowLand2
  87. Ctrl 4=selectLowLand3
  88. Ctrl 5=selectMidLand
  89. Ctrl 6=selectMidLand1
  90. Ctrl 7=selectMidLand2
  91. Ctrl 8=selectMidLand3
  92. Ctrl 9=selectMount
  93. Ctrl 0=selectMount1
  94. Ctrl Q=selectMount2
  95. Ctrl W=selectMount3
  96. Ctrl E=selectCountry
  97. Ctrl R=selectCountry1
  98. Ctrl T=selectCountry2
  99. Ctrl Y=selectCountry3
  100. Ctrl U=selectCity
  101. Ctrl I=selectCity1
  102. Ctrl O=selectCity2
  103. Ctrl P=selectCity3
  104. Ctrl A=selectAirfield
  105. Ctrl S=selectAirfield1
  106. Ctrl D=selectAirfield2
  107. Ctrl F=selectAirfield3
  108. Ctrl G=selectWood
  109. Ctrl F1=selectRoadRail
  110. Ctrl F2=selectRoadCountry
  111. Ctrl F3=selectRoadHighway
  112. Ctrl F5=selectBridgeRail
  113. Ctrl F6=selectBridgeCountry
  114. Ctrl F7=selectBridgeHighway
  115. Ctrl Z=selectLabel
  116. Ctrl H=selectHeightPeek
  117. Ctrl J=selectHeightFill
  118. Up=incHeight
  119. Left=decHeight10
  120. Down=decHeight
  121. Right=incHeight10
  123. [HotKey Console]
  124. Shift Tab=Activate
  125. [Console]
  126. HISTORY=1024
  127. HISTORYCMD=1024
  128. LOAD=console.cmd
  129. SAVE=console.cmd
  130. LOG=0
  131. LOGTIME=0
  132. LOGFILE=log.lst
  134. [MouseXYZ]
  135. F1=SpeedSlow
  136. F2=SpeedNormal
  137. F3=SpeedFast
  138. MouseRight=XYmove
  139. F4 MouseRight=Zmove
  140. MouseMiddle=Amove
  141. F5 MouseRight=Amove
  142. F6 MouseRight=Tmove
  143. F7 MouseRight=Kmove
  145. [MouseXYZ Config]
  146. RealTime=1
  148. [FreeFly]
  149. MouseLeft=ResetView
  150. A=Azimut-
  151. D=Azimut+
  152. S=Tangage+
  153. W=Tangage-
  154. Q=Kren-
  155. E=Kren+
  156. V=Speed+
  157. C=Speed-
  159. [FreeFly Config]
  160. AzimutView=1.0
  161. TangageView=1.0
  162. SpeedAzimut=50.0
  163. SpeedTangage=50.0
  164. SpeedKren=50.0
  165. MaxSpeed=1000.0
  166. Acselerate=100.0
  168. [HookViewFly Config]
  169. timeFirstStep=2.0
  170. deltaZ=10.0
  172. [HookView]
  173. MouseLeft=Len
  175. [HookView Config]
  176. AzimutSpeed=0.1
  177. TangageSpeed=0.1
  178. LenSpeed=1.0
  179. MinLen=10.0
  180. DefaultLen=20.0
  181. MaxLen=3000.0
  183. [HookPilot]
  184. NumPad-5=Reset
  185. NumPad-8=Up
  186. NumPad-2=Down
  187. NumPad-7=Left
  188. NumPad-4=Left2
  189. NumPad-1=Left3
  190. NumPad-9=Right
  191. NumPad-6=Right2
  192. NumPad-3=Right3
  194. [HookPilot Config]
  195. AzimutSpeed=0.1
  196. TangageSpeed=0.1
  198. [HookGunner]
  199. NumPad-5=Reset
  200. NumPad-8=Up
  201. NumPad-2=Down
  202. NumPad-7=Left
  203. NumPad-4=Left2
  204. NumPad-1=Left3
  205. NumPad-9=Right
  206. NumPad-6=Right2
  207. NumPad-3=Right3
  209. [FreeFlyXYZ]
  210. Left=Y+
  211. Right=Y-
  212. Down=X-
  213. Up=X+
  214. Home=Z+
  215. End=Z-
  216. Delete=A-
  217. PageDown=A+
  218. Ctrl Left=SpeedMul
  219. Ctrl Right=SpeedMul
  220. Ctrl Down=SpeedMul
  221. Ctrl Up=SpeedMul
  222. Ctrl Home=SpeedMul
  223. Ctrl End=SpeedMul
  224. Ctrl Delete=SpeedMul
  225. Ctrl PageDown=SpeedMul
  227. [FreeFlyXYZ Config]
  228. SpeedXYZ=20.0
  229. SpeedAzimut=20.0
  230. SpeedMul=0.1
  232. [game]
  233. Arcade=0
  234. HighGore=0
  235. HakenAllowed=1
  236. chatRegion=(dx=0.3375,dy=0.26333332,x=0.0,y=0.041666668)
  237. mapPadX=0.6689453
  238. mapPadY=-0.046875
  239. viewSet=0
  241. [sound]
  242. SoundUse=1
  243. SoundEngine=1
  244. Speakers=0
  245. Placement=0
  246. SoundFlags.reversestereo=0
  247. RadioFlags.Enabled=0
  248. RadioEngine=0
  249. MusicVolume=14
  250. ObjectVolume=11
  251. MusState.takeoff=1
  252. MusState.inflight=1
  253. MusState.crash=1
  254. MusFlags.play=1
  255. MasterVolume=13
  256. Attenuation=7
  257. SoundMode=1
  258. SamplingRate=2
  259. NumChannels=0
  260. SoundExt.occlusions=0
  261. SoundFlags.hardware=1
  262. SoundFlags.streams=1
  263. SoundFlags.duplex=1
  264. SoundExt.acoustics=0
  265. SoundExt.volumefx=0
  266. SoundFlags.voicemgr=0
  267. SoundFlags.static=1
  268. VoiceVolume=13
  269. Channels=1
  270. SoundExt.extrender=0
  271. SoundFlags.bugscorrect=0
  272. SoundSetupId=6
  274. [rts]
  275. ;ProcessAffinityMask=1
  276. ; 0 - not use, 1 - show cursor and not capture, 2 - not show cursor, and capture
  277. mouseUse=2
  278. ; 0 - not use, 1 - use if hardware exist
  279. joyUse=1
  281. [rts_mouse]
  282. SensitivityX=1.0
  283. SensitivityY=1.0
  284. [rts_joystick]
  285. X=0 1 4 9 16 25 36 49 64 81 100 0
  286. Y=0 1 4 9 16 25 36 49 64 81 100 0
  287. Z=0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
  288. RZ=0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
  289. FF=1
  291. [Render_DirectX]
  292. TexQual=3
  293. TexMipFilter=3
  294. TexCompress=0
  295. TexFlags.UseDither=1
  296. TexFlags.UseAlpha=0
  297. TexFlags.UseIndex=0
  298. TexFlags.PolygonStipple=1
  299. TexFlags.UseClampedSprites=0
  300. TexFlags.DrawLandByTriangles=1
  301. TexFlags.UseVertexArrays=1
  302. TexFlags.DisableAPIExtensions=0
  303. TexFlags.ARBMultitextureExt=1
  304. TexFlags.TexEnvCombineExt=1
  305. TexFlags.SecondaryColorExt=1
  306. TexFlags.VertexArrayExt=1
  307. TexFlags.ClipHintExt=0
  308. TexFlags.UsePaletteExt=0
  309. Shadows=1
  310. Specular=2
  311. SpecularLight=2
  312. DiffuseLight=2
  313. DynamicalLights=1
  314. MeshDetail=2
  315. LandShading=2
  316. LandDetails=1
  317. Sky=2
  318. Forest=1
  319. TexFlags.TexAnisotropicExt=0
  320. TexFlags.TexCompressARBExt=1
  321. TexLarge=0
  322. VideoSetupId=4
  324. [Render_OpenGL]
  325. TexQual=3
  326. TexMipFilter=3
  327. TexCompress=0
  328. TexFlags.UseDither=1
  329. TexFlags.UseAlpha=0
  330. TexFlags.UseIndex=0
  331. TexFlags.PolygonStipple=1
  332. TexFlags.UseClampedSprites=0
  333. TexFlags.DrawLandByTriangles=1
  334. TexFlags.UseVertexArrays=1
  335. TexFlags.DisableAPIExtensions=0
  336. TexFlags.ARBMultitextureExt=1
  337. TexFlags.TexEnvCombineExt=1
  338. TexFlags.SecondaryColorExt=1
  339. TexFlags.VertexArrayExt=1
  340. TexFlags.ClipHintExt=0
  341. TexFlags.UsePaletteExt=0
  342. Shadows=1
  343. Specular=2
  344. SpecularLight=2
  345. DiffuseLight=2
  346. DynamicalLights=1
  347. MeshDetail=2
  348. LandShading=2
  349. LandDetails=1
  350. Sky=2
  351. Forest=1
  353. TexAnisotropicExt=0
  354. TexCompressARBExt=1
  355. TexFlags.TexAnisotropicExt=1
  356. TexFlags.TexCompressARBExt=1
  357. VisibilityDistance=2
  358. LandGeom=2
  359. TexLarge=0
  360. VideoSetupId=4
  362. [chat]
  363. region=(dx=0.58984375,dy=0.14192708,x=0.0029296875,y=0.0)
  364. adr0=ALL